Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week 2: Poetry

         This week we have been working a little deeper into poetry. I love that we have started out with poetry because it is something that I can tend to do without very much help. We've began reading our book, "Writing Down the Bones" by Natalie Goldberg and began discussing the first 1/3 of the book in class on January 20th. So for this assignment I want to take a look at the poetry packet again. Specifically at the Ted Berrigan section of the packet. He has 4 poems within this packet and let me tell you, he must have been one crazy guy. His writings are so unique and yes there is probably someone else who has wrote something like it, but this is m first experience with this.

        The writing I wanted to take a closer look at is XV. When I first read this I kept questioning myself, I did not understand it and I felt kinda dumb for not. I continued reading it over and over until finally my group decided to talk about the writer in general. I missed class on Thursday January 15th, and they shared some of the information that was discussed as a class then. The fact that you had to read the first line and then the bottom line, second line and second to last line, third line and third to last line, and so on and so forth. This is not what most people would view as the "correct" way of writing poetry, bu in reality, it is a "correct" way of writing poetry.

       Poetry isn't a strict writing process, it just comes to you. To many people have it stuck in their minds that it has to be, well, like my blog entry here. Reading it from top to bottom, left to right. But it doesn't, that is just a form of what you can do. You can write a certain length, with a certain amount of syllables per line, or even right from bottom to top reading right to left. Poetry is meant for you to feel free spirited and write however your heart desires. Barrigan just has an odd way of writing his, so not everyone right from the start will know how to read his poems.

       Another one of his poems that caught my interest was LIII. This one is a jumbled up mess of a masterpiece. I learned from my group members that when he published his book, he mixed sentences all around within the entire book, so in a way it's a jumbled up mess. In this poem, you can tell he did just that. Last I checked "belly to hot belly we have laid" doesn't come after "the poem upon this page is as massive as Anne's thighs".  He is writing about poetry, and having bits and pieces of different poems literally cut and pasted into this just gives a raw feeling to this poem. He literally is writing about poetry but he makes the reader have the mindset that they are reading of someone's sex life.

    In closing to this weeks entry, I believe that Berrigan has a very unique way of writing, and I enjoyed reading it.

-Danielle Joy Colestock

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Week 1: Poetry

Of all the poems we read, the one that caught my eye the most was the poem titled "Tell me What you Know about Dismemberment", It really made me think about what it meant, A LOT! At the beginning it says "When it rains, the grass is filled with blood", the thought of war and what causes it came to mind; like a terrorists attack or something. The author also speaks of the wombs of Hindu women being cut out after they are raped and placed on a pole. This makes me think of the combat aspect of war. When innocent people are killed, just to prove a point. She speaks of rain and the many different rains at the end of this poem. This made me think of the closing of war and it being added to the history books with all the other wars.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Young Woman with Big Thoughts... Introducing Me.

      Hello everyone! My names Danielle Colestock. I'm from Oregon Ohio, which is right outside of Toledo. I'm a child of 14, consisting of 7 girls and 7 boys. I was also adopted when I just turned 4 years old. October 18, 1999 I'm definitly an introvert, but once you get to know me, you will find out I am a very outgoing person. I love to both read and write. I took a creative writings class in high school and loved it, and I'm hoping for the same effect from this class as well.
      Let's see, a few random facts about myself. My favorite color is crimson red. I love to eat chinese food, pizza, and chicken fingers. My favorite drinks are Green Machine from Naked (I have these during classes a lot), Mountain Dew, and also grape flavored water. My favorite book is called "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy, and I also love any book written by Nicholas Sparks. My favorite movies are "The Road", "The Hunger Games", and also a newer one called "The Imitation Game". My birthday is October 16,1995 and I was born in Fort Myers Florida. When I was 15 months old I came to the family that I know call my own. Since then I've lived in Ohio in a few different places in the Northwest, and From the ages of 13 to 15 I lived in Midland Texas. 

    I'm a very visual person, I love to write as I've stated before. I'm big on journaling and venting to paper and pen all the time. I also love to spend my spare time reading books. I'm a huge history freak. My favorite time period to study is WWII because I love the German culture. I love to learn more and more about the holocaust, I love reading books and watching movies about it. I love learning more about not only that but anything that has to do with historical events.

   Well this was a look into my life story. If you would like to get to know me more than I've already shared, feel free to befriend me and ask whatever you would like.

-Danielle Joy Colestock